When you buy a shed with Sheds Down South you can choose any of the following Colorbond colours to tailor your shed.
You can choose different colours for any of the following allowing you to get a shed that matches your house or other existing building if needed:
Roof Sheeting

Wall Sheeting


Roller Doors


Personal Access Doors

Barge Capping

Glass Sliding Doors

In addition to the colours, there are various sheeting profiles and thicknesses that are available to you when designing your shed:

This is the famous BlueScope Lysaght corrugated profile, equally at home with traditional and contemporary design. It is long, wide, strong, lightweight and economical in profile which can be quickly and easily aligned. Add up these features and you have a steel roof or wall cladding that simply offers outstanding value.

Trimdek is a subtle square-fluted steel cladding, available in long lengths, so on most jobs you can have one sheet from ridge to gutter without end laps.

Multiclad is a low-rib wall sheet which provides a cost effective solution to covering the walls of your shed.